12 Jan 2010


So I "resolved" to attempt to write a blog twice a week, but at least write once a week and I am not even achieving that. Oh well. I am in the testing throes of attempting to write a 21st birthday speech and the best I can come up with is an acrostic poem?! I am fairly sure that my inspiration has taken annual leave.

Ive never really understood why people make New Years resolutions other than to have something to talk about at morning tea when you get back to work - you can set goals at any time in the year. Making them while your brain is in fairyland, holiday-mode, under the influence of alcohol or the clouds of summer love is probably not the right state of mind to make promises to yourself that will be achievable and that you are actually willing to work towards in reality.

Mine tend to be the same from year to year but here are a small sample - some which I make every year and others for this 2010 specifically. They say it is good to write them down - aparently you are more likely to achieve them.
  • Be a better sister, daughter, grandaughter and friend
  • Be less selfish with my time
  • Run a sub-85 minute half marathon
  • Play my guitar at least once a week
  • Learn to play the ukulele
  • Save to travel overseas this year
  • Get back into learning and practicing my spanish
  • Get a story or article published
Well, I trust everyone is fully recovered from excess and indulgence over the holiday season and is now considering the Lemon Detox diet, Cabbage soup diet or whatever other crazy drastic measures there are out there - Note: swinging from one extreme to the other does not equal MODERATION. After suffering some extreme post-holiday blues everyday is getting slightly better - Monday was absolutely horrific, Tuesday was horribly awful, Today has been terrible but I am expecting to plateau at Bad on Friday which is about normal. Yay 2010.



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